Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wedding Dinner since I am getting married in the afternoon of the 28th, I have decided to do the dinner the night before. YOU ARE ALL INVITED!!! I am having at BYU and it is being catered by BYU catering and let me tell ya, it is going to be yummy! I have no idea how many to plan for but let me tell you who is invited!

1) Anybody on my temple list
2) ALL My relatives: cousins, aunts uncles, first cousins once removed etc, grandparents, etc etc .
Would you mind emailing me and RSVPing on the dinner the night before so I can give a rough estimate to BYU catering??? My email is


1 comment:

amyliechty said...

We will be there - this is our RSVP. BTW, are kids allowed at the dinner?